The Adventures of Chris
(in English)
Not so much a diary as a running commentary the sometimes weird, always wonderful world of teaching ESL. As always, feel free to contribute, comment, or query!

June 28 - July 3
I am so excited to be starting my Instagram show again. Being on lock down means I don't get to interact with my students enough. Instagram helps me to reach out to students, and maintain relationships with them. Today I finished my second show of the week. There is already improvement from the first show. Let's hope that rend continues.
June 21 to 27, 2020
So, this is the first week for this new feature on my site, so I guess I will give a little quick background and context.
1. I, like most of the world, am stuck at home on quarantine. Thankfully, as of now, none of my friends or family have been stricken. What this means, of course, is that I am one of the many teachers who have switched to teaching online. Getting starting was the hardest part, and now I am in the swing of it. I look forward to sharing more about this exciting new teaching skill I have discovered!
2. Killings and protests. Right now it is about a month after the George Floyd killing. The protests it inspired are awesome and fill me with some hope that my country and my world can find ways to move forward together into a healthier future. I just feel so bad for Mr. Floyd's family for their very personal loss.
So that is the background against which I am teaching right now.
Well, this is exciting: I have reworked my entire website! Don't let anyone tell you that quarantines are not good for anything!
Looking forward to restarting the live stream on Monday. I really miss some of my students.